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Our Annual Celebration of Life


November's coming fire , the smashing of the pumpkins , all saints day , day of the dead . a day to respect the living and respect the dead. your opportunity to relieve the stress, drop the anger and get on with the things that will lead you to contentment. We are asking you to get your aggression out by recording the smashing of your pumpkins , jack those lanterns and drop those woes, let out that discus of todays dramas and remember what we are here for, the joys of the world. Enjoy life and all it has to offer. bring the importance to important things and make sure they know you care. Forgive forget and don't regret there is no time in life for grudges. For life is what you make it , make it good . Enjoy! In a Respectful pick up after yourself fashion, please obey all local laws on fires and gatherings as you participate in the fun . Help Promote Positivity any Way You Can!
Happiness is tugging at your sleeve , let it in, or ask for Help. We are open for Opinions and available for simple suggestions DM or Email Today let us know what we can do for you. Thanks for your time
The Raising Grace Research Team

Illustration of Bones and a Scary Eye


We are looking to discover the fine line between love and hate. 

When we expose the drivers and triggers of hate, we will be able to resolve the frictions that steer the world into uncontrollable tantrums of self demoralizing actions.

Somebody needs to save the day!

  • How do I participate in the event?
    this is an online event you can join us on our event post by posting your pumpkin and its course of destruction as you crush your hardest feeling and let go of your hardships so you can cary on in your journey , the next chapter is yours get living today.
  • How can i help in your efforts?
    Donations of all shapes and sizes are appreciated . You Can donate monitary value to any or all of our programs . We also are looking for Help in many other ways In kind services and voluntaeering for hand outs and event hosting are all welcome contact us today , good things are coming , you can be apart of it
  • Become A Affilliate
    Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: We are accepting Affilliate memberships , contact us to find out how you can become a member today
  • Whats next in the books
    We are developing Programs to get youth and family alike out of the house and on the streets to show the smile they love to bear. Looking at life has many option, here at the raising grace community we thrive to keep that PMA all day if we can. Stay up on Life so it doesnt let you down
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